Don't have time for a phone call or are you in a location where you can't talk? You may have noticed the green Chat button located on the bottom right corner of the FSB website. Live Chat with a real FSB customer service representative!

Live Chat FAQs

  • Do I need to be a current FSB customer to use Live Chat?
    No - you do not need to be a customer of FSB. 
  • What are Live Chat hours? 
    Live Chat is available Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CT , Fridays 8:30 am - 6:00 pm CT, Saturdays 8:30 - Noon CT
  • What if no chat agents are available? 
    During non-business hours the chat feature functions like an email inbox. Simply type your question and a representative will contact you on the next business day. 
  • Is Live Chat available on mobile phones & tablets?
    Yes - visit from your phone or tablet to access Live Chat. Chat is currently not available from the mobile app.
  • Can a chat agent provide me with my account number or balance? 
    No, our agents are unable to provide personal information like account numbers or balances over the live chat service.This information can only be given in person or over the phone to protect customer's security.
  • What if I need help choosing the right account? 
    Our Live Chat agents would be happy to help you make the right account choice and can also provide product information. 
  • I'm having trouble with an online application, can chat agents help me? 
    Yes, our chat agents are available to help you complete an online application and answer any questions.
  • Can Live Chat agents assist me with I-banking? 
    Our agents are available to help you navigate I-Banking. However, Live Chat agents cannot assist customers who are having trouble logging in. For sign-on help, please call (877) 372-1879. 
  • Can chat agents explain transactions and fees? 
    Our online chat support agents are here to help with questions relating to transactions and fees.
This blog is intended to be an informational resource for readers. The views expressed on this blog are those of the bloggers, and not necessarily those of FSB. This blog does not provide legal, financial, accounting or tax advice. The content on this blog is "as is" and carries no warranties. FSB does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content on this blog.